RISE Summer Program


When it comes to summer school programs, it’s time to raise the bar. Get students back on track with our turn-key, five-week summer school program.




build student confidence

Take your students from unfinished learning to confidently tackling grade-level content.


invest in your teachers

Build instructional skills that strengthen year-round instruction, not just summer.


engage with robust materials

Create excitement to teach and to learn by using engaging instructional materials and methods.


The school year rarely affords the time you need to build a transformative summer school program in-house. Having an outside partner with an established, proven program can be just the catalyst you need to set students on the right path and see dramatic improvement in their skills in a short amount of time. Our approach is backed by pre-and-post assessment data that proves students can make big gains in just five weeks with the RISE Summer School program.

We’re all educators at heart. Since 2020, A concerning number of children continue to struggle with grade-level literacy and math. Let’s make progress a reality, together.


Learn more about the program including:

  • Teacher Training & Workshops
  • Curriculum
  • Assessments/Data Analysis Tools

Take the guesswork out of summer school planning.

We understand. Creating detailed lesson plans and student materials is time-consuming. Students who engage with high-quality instructional materials struggle less and learn more. The traditional approach of creating packets to review content students missed or failed to grasp simply doesn’t produce transformative results. Set students on a path to successfully tackle grade-level content in the coming school year by launching a summer school program that excites teachers and students alike.

RISE generates REAL results

Lavinia Group RISE Summer School students outperformed those in non-Lavinia summer programs by 13% in Math and 16% in Literacy.

Create an immersive summer school experience for students. 

Summer school isn’t typically where students are most excited to spend their summer. From “Do I have to be here?” to “Look what I did!” watch student excitement grow. The RISE Summer Program offers a robust, engaging curriculum with guided discussion, hands-on learning activities, and lessons that teach students how to become independent thinkers. Build skills that students can easily transfer into the new school year.

What RISE teachers say...

“Lavinia has such comprehensive, well organized and powerful units!

Invest in instructional skills

Transformative professional development builds transferable skills that teachers and school leaders can apply to summer learning and build on during the school year. See the results of your investment year-round by improving consistency in learning outcomes across classrooms and grade levels.

What RISE teachers say...

“This summer program and particularly the teacher materials are AMAZING. As a new teacher, this feels like high-paid training instead of summer work that I need to fully plan on my own.”


Learn How ESSER Funds Can Support Your Summer School Initiatives

NWEA researchers predict the average elementary student will take three years, at minimum, to return to their pre-pandemic academic trajectory, and older students will take “far longer.” That's a crisis that requires schools to employ strategies that accelerate academic recovery as opposed to the traditional approach of focusing on remediation. Learn how you can use ESSER funds to fund your summer school learning program.

Ready to learn more about rise?

Complete the form below to schedule an appointment and learn more about the RISE Summer School Program.